英国管理学(硕士)热门的院校申请要求applepie(2019/9/23 11:52:54) 点击:
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125.* * * 管理学是隶属商科下教学范围最广,最适合转专业申请的专业。它就是商科中要求没那么高的热门专业,因此受到许多没有商科背景同学的青睐。因此,很多本科非商科的学生想在研究生阶段学习商科,管理学是申请量最多的。
IC帝国理工:MSc Management
Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in a non-business/non-management degree.
To be considered for admission to a Master's e.g. MSc, MRes, MBA etc, applicants should have been awarded a Bachelor's degree from a Project 211 university with a final overall mark of 80% or better. Preference is given to candidates with 85% or better.
LSE伦敦政治经济学院:Master's in Management
Applicants from any academic background are welcomed. Prior formal study of quantitative subjects is not required, but students must come prepared to engage with quantitative topics such as statistics, accounting and finance.
work experience of 3 months or more is ideal, but not required. Please detail any relevant experience in your application.
GMAT or GRE is required for applicants without a UK undergraduate or graduate degree more information>China:
To be considered for admission to a taught master's programme, we would normally require a bachelor's degree with an overall mark of 85 per cent from applicants who have attended a highly regarded institution in China, with all other applicants we would normally require a mark of at least 90 per cent.
UCL伦敦大学学院:MSc Management
An overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, in any subject. Taking a GMAT or GRE test is not compulsory but if you have already taken a GMAT or GRE test then please include this in your application.Equivalent qualifications for China:
Bachelor's degree with a minimum overall average mark of 85%.
KCL伦敦大学国王学院:International Management MSc
Required in a social science related area (e.g. management, economics, sociology or other relevant subject).
Chinese Universities considered Prestigious (Project 211):Weighted Average of 85%
Other recognised Chinese universities:Weighted Average of 88%
爱丁堡大学:Management MSc
A good university in any subject, or an equivalent overseas qualification.
曼彻斯特大学:MSc Management
Please note that the course designed specifically as a conversion course for students with no previous experience of business and management. Although no prior knowledge of business and management will be assumed, the course will move at a fast pace to bring all participants to the same breadth of understanding.