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南安普敦索伦特大学 Solent University

BA Fashion Management with Marketing


本科大一:国内高三均分80%;雅思6.0(单项不低于5.5);或英国A-level CCC;

本科预科:国内高二学术均分70%或高三均分60%;国内国际学校A-level 或英国A-level 学生pass ;国内初中毕业后来英国读IGSCE并通过考试;可接受雅思最低4.5(单项不低于4.0);

Top-up:HND 大综合成绩CCC.



课程解析:从零售、运营、商场管理、消费者行为学,到财务、传播、零售环境、促销活动等等,这门专业有学生在时尚领域运营中所需用到的一切知识和技能。它是一门实践性非常强的专业,学生在读期间有机会亲自参与运营学校的时装店 “Re:So”,店里所销售的商品涉及时装、配饰、书籍、家具、艺术品。最特别的是,这家店的社交媒体运营、视觉陈列师、平面设计师、销售团队、运营管理工作,都由我们的学生亲自完成。


学生姓名:Holly McGeary

就读专业:BA Fashion Management with Marketing

工作内容:Sales and Merchandise

学生反馈:The role has given me so many opportunities including going on a buying trip, being a part of pop-up stores and helping with styling for a catwalk show hosted by Gok Wan. During my time here I have found that I have interests in visual merchandising and marketing. Now I feel prepared to go out and use the knowledge I’ve learnt, and I’m excited to continue further improving my skills after Re:So.

学生姓名:Lauren Thompson

就读专业:BA Fashion

工作内容:Visual Merchandiser

学生反馈:Working as a visual merchandiser for Re:So has given me the freedom to explore my own artistic skills and has allowed me to achieve new levels of confidence within the creative industry. Every day is completely different from the last. One day I could be up a ladder painting a new display on the walls, and the next, I could be re-arranging the entire store layout from scratch. Having this much freedom in a job role such as this allows you to fall in love with the store as if it's really is your own. Seeing how much of a difference your work makes to sales really does make the whole experience incredibly rewarding. This in turn has definitely given me the ambition to strive for success, which I am sure will benefit me massively when moving on from university and into such a competitive industry.

Re:So二楼还有一个特别的“学习区”,有时会邀请业界名人前来演讲,或做一些workshop,展出陈列品等等。除此之外,学生还可以去时尚相关机构参观学习,比如 Fashion and Textile Museum和TM Lewin headquarters. 学校每年也会组织各种各样的英国境内以及境外学习交流活动,可以自选参加。我们的学生曾到过Hugo Boss, Harvey Nichols, Stella McCartney, Calvin Klein这些知名品牌进行实习实践。往届毕业生就职于Bjorn Borg,Michael Kors,Asos, Reiss等品牌,从事时装管理、时尚买手、市场营销等工作。
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