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chatnet(2015/2/22 4:28:20)  点击:60997  回复:0  IP:109.* * *
  Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong,linguistically speaking at least。


  According to a poll, the word we find hardestto pronounce is 'phenomenon'。


  Nextin the top 10 of tongue-twisters are 'remuneration', and'statistics'。


  Speakers also have a problem getting theirtongue around ethnicity, hereditaryandparticularly, according tothe body charged with recording public utterances。

  根据一个负责对人们在公共场合讲话进行录音的组织发现,讲话者在发音时会遇到困难舌头打结的还有:ethnicity(种族)hereditary(遗传的)和 particularly(特别地)。

  TheBritish Institute Of Verbatim Reporters (BIVR) is the UK’s leadingorganisation for professionals involved in taking down speech atcourt and tribunal hearings。


  A pollof its members found 10 words that Britons consistently find themost challenging to pronounce。


  Completing the list are conjugal, specific,processesand development。这十个词中还包括:“conjugal”(婚姻的), “specific”(特殊的),“processes”(过程)和“development”(发展)。

  LeahWillersdorf, of the BIVR, said: ‘We work with many different typesof professionals and hear all kinds of voices during ourwork。


  ‘However, when it comes to the Englishlanguage it always seems to be the same few words that verballytrip people up, with the speaker having to repeat the word in orderto get it right, or just abandoning their attempts and movingon.’


  BIVRmembers were quizzed by the team behind the popular word gameScrabble。


  According to the words buffs, one in 10players admit to being reluctant to producing words that theycannot pronounce。


  Scrabble is a favourite with British familiesover the festive period, with an estimated 11 million going head tohead on Boxing Day, according to its makers。


  University of York sociolinguistics expertProfessor Paul Kerswill said the English language has evolved tocompensate for tricky pronunciations but some words remain achallenge。


  Hesaid: ‘People always find a way of simplifying words that they finddifficult to get their tongues round, so that an everyday word like‘handbag’ sounds like ‘hambag’。


  ‘Ourforebears simplified ‘waistcoat’ to ‘weskit’ - but we’ve turned ourbacks on that。


  ‘Wecertainly don’t pronounce Worcester and Gloucester the way they arespelt any more. And ‘York’ used to have three syllables, notone。


  ‘Andmost people talk about ‘Febry’ and ‘Wensday’.’

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