【中英文】“Excuse me”和“Sorry”的区别是什么?如何正确的使用?86scot(2021/11/15 12:42:21) 点击:
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嗨!您能解释一下“Excuse me”和“Sorry”的区别吗?如何正确的使用?
在很多情况下,“Excuse me”和“Sorry”都是合适的。
为了引起某人的注意To get someone’s attention
例如,你可以用“Excuse me”或“Sorry”礼貌地引起某人的注意。你可以说:
Excuse me, do you know where the Metro is?
Sorry, do you happen to have the time?
但是当和陌生人说话时,“Excuse me”更常见。
打断别人To interrupt someone
我们也可以用“Excuse me”和“Sorry”来礼貌地打断某人或某人的请求或告诉他们某事。如:
Excuse me, everyone, the meeting is starting in five minutes.
Sorry, Shelly, can I get your opinion on a gift idea?
叫某人移动 To ask someone to move
“Excuse me”和“Sorry”也可以用来礼貌地请别人走开,这样我们就可以从他们身边走过,或者为撞到别人而道歉。可以这样说:
Excuse me, may I please get past? Thanks!
Sorry about that. It’s really crowded in here!
当我们犯了一个小错误时,你会听到人说,“Sorry about that”,这是一种常见的表达“I’m sorry”的方式。
请别人重复 To ask someone to repeat
当我们需要别人重复他们说过的话时,我们会用“Excuse me”和“Sorry”。比如:
Sorry, I didn’t hear that. Can you say it again?
Excuse me, can you speak a little louder? We can’t hear you in the back of the room.
我很抱歉 I’m sorry
我们用“I’m sorry”来表示:
I’m so sorry for damaging your camera.
I’m sorry but all the rooms this weekend are taken.
Sorry but I won't make it to dinner. I have to work late!
Excuse me
我们用" Excuse me "来表示:
Excuse me for a minute. I need to make a phone call.