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[轻松英语]如何重塑自我 做更好的自己?
palm21(2015/4/9 14:53:46)  点击:60885  回复:0  IP:121.* * *
You are who you are. You know yourselfwell. When you meet people, you know how you describe yourself. You also knowthat you’re not happy with the image you currently present to the world. Thatmeans you’d probably like to learn how to reinvent yourself.


Some people think that personal reinventionis difficult, costly and time consuming. After all, you’ve spent a lot of timebecoming who you are and communicating that information to friends, workcolleagues, family members and others. Yet, if you want to reinvent yourself,you can do so quickly. In fact, if you want to reinvent yourself, and you’reprepared to start as soon as you finish work today—say at 6 pm—you can make agood start in just a few hours.


ReinventYourself by Saying Different Things


You don’t have to use the same old words orfocus on the same old things when you introduce yourself to new people or talkabout yourself at work or away from work. You’re on a journey from places youhave been to somewhere you want to travel to. The present is just a stagingpost in that journey.


If you’re on your way to a new job, or anew career, you can choose to define yourself in terms of where you are now andwhere you want to be.


“I’m a …………………I’m learning how to become a …………………”

“I’m a………………….. and I’m focusing on …………………. because in the long term I’m hoping to…………………….”


Remember that some jobs and situations lendthemselves to be reshaped to suit your interests and enthusiasm. If you talkmore about your interests and aspirations, then people will start to associateyou with these subjects. As a result, you’ll be able to reinvent yourself in theminds of other people quickly. Those same people just might think of you when aproject comes up that would be right for you to be involved with.


If you know you’ll struggle to get somepeople to think differently about you, plan for that, too. Acknowledge the pastand the present, but get those people to pay attention to your future, too.


“Iknow you know me as a ……………………….. I’ve also developed my skills in ……………… andI’m looking for ways to combine the two.”




Practice this tonight: create three or fourstatements that you might use with colleagues, with strangers you meet, and,where appropriate, with senior people in your organization. Link what you doand what you have done to your desired future in the words you choose. Saythose words aloud. Revise your statements until you feel comfortable sayingthem. Then decide how you’re going to use them tomorrow.


ReinventYourself by Writing Something Different


When you come to write about yourself, theopportunities for reinvention are enormous. Let’s start with your CV or résumé.


The most important thing to do now is torewrite your CV showing how your experience to date has prepared you for thenew role you’re looking for, or to travel in a new career direction.


You’ve done a lot of things in your past.Now that you want to reinvent yourself in a particular way, look again at yourexperience—find the experiences that add credibility to the career choicesyou’re looking to make, and the things you would like to do. For example, ifyou want to take up a training role in your organization, focus on any learningevents you have been involved in organizing and on any work you have done tohelp your colleagues to achieve more. Think flexibly. Your experience doesn’tneed to have been labeled “training” for you to draw upon it to help you withthis transition.


Think strategically, and consider theskills that people in training roles need. Think, too, about which of thoseskills you have developed and are using. By doing this you will be showingother people that a move into a training role might be the obvious next stepfor you, given your experience and interests. That will make your reinventioneasier.




This evening, rethink and reshape yourexperience to prove that you’re already on the way towards that careerdestination you have in your sights. Rewrite your CV to reflect your new way of describing yourself.


ReinventYourself by Asking Others to See You Differently


In the end, it’s what others think of you,and how others see you, that goes a long way towards defining who you are,especially at work.


Stop and think carefully about how peopleat work introduce you or speak about you. Do they label you in ways that youfind helpful and with which you are comfortable? Do their introductions limit people’sperceptions of you and make them think of you in ways that don’t fit with yourlong-term aspirations?


Next, consider what you would like thepeople you work with to say about you. Everyone labels people they meet—youcan’t stop that. You can influence the label that is applied to you, however,and you can create the labels that will be applied to you. Use them yourself first. Others will follow.


Stop thinking of yourself as a customerservices supervisor because that’s how your job description defines you. Remindyourself, and others around you, that you’re a bilingual customer servicessupervisor. Be clear that you’re keen to make use of those additional languageskills to help your employer—you want the people who count in your organizationto remember you can speak another language and label you as such when theyspeak about you.




Tonight, think about the actions you cantake to alter subtly, or amend, the ways in which other people at work describeyou. Wherever possible, draw attention to additional capabilities you have, andindicate where your skills may be of use to your organization.


You can reinvent yourself whenever you wantby remembering to make the links between your past, your present and yourfuture demonstrate that you are traveling towards a clear career destination.


Start to reinvent yourself at 6 pm today.By the time you’re ready to fall asleep, you may have surprised yourself by howmuch you have already changed.

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