【中英文】节前压力大工作多 4招教你轻松应对freeto(2022/3/25 23:38:44) 点击:
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116.* * * You were already busy, but now you're crazy busy. The holidays are here, and if you feel like your stress level is escalating, you're not alone. That's because the holidays bring more of everything, both good and bad.
To help professionals mitigate holiday stress both in the office and at home, experts offer the following tips:
1.Respect your physical and emotional limits.
If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are overburdened with extra tasks for the holidays, try to let some of your other responsibilities slide for a few weeks.
2.Try gift guidelines.
Set a budget for each person on your gift list, and stick to it. If you tend to overspend, try to make all your purchases with cash. Do not fret over buying the perfect gift. Almost any gift can be returned or exchanged.
3.Express gratitude.
Make a list of the people and things you appreciate in your life. Encourage your children to do the same, and consider asking everyone in the family to share their lists during your holiday meal. Send a card or an email expressing your thankfulness to the people on your list.
4.Think about food and drink.
Be careful when consuming alcohol, particularly if you have a tendency to become depressed. When it comes to holiday meals, avoid skipping meals or starving to compensate for what you are going to eat because it may actually cause you to eat more. But be kind to yourself if you do overeat. It is OK to allow yourself to indulge a little.