最新英国PSW签证申请表下载Una(2012/1/8 19:16:25) 点击:
68603 回复:
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219.* * * 下载地址:
- http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/tier-1-post-study-work-for1.pdf
英国境内签:You must have £800 (applying in the UK) ) in your bank account for a period of 90 consecutive days before you make your application. This money must be in your own account (no parental accounts allowed) and the money must remain at this amount or above for the entire period.
英国境外签:You must have £2800 (if applying from your home country) in your bank account for a period of 90 consecutive days before you make your application. This money must be in your own account (no parental accounts allowed) and the money must remain at this amount or above for the entire period.