英国签证所需翻译文件的规定freeto(2012/1/8 19:41:20) 点击:
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81.* * * All documents submitted to UKBA must be translated into English accurately and professionally. Translators are accountable and fully responsible for the translations of all the documents.
All translated documents must bear the following information:
a) Full name of translator 翻译人员全名
b) Name of the organisation where translator works 翻译人员所在工作单位
c) Full address and contact details of the organisation翻译人员所在工作单位地址及联系方式的详细信息
d) Details of qualification of the translator 翻译人员的资历
Applicants CANNOT undertake translation of their own document. All translated document must be professionally presented on A4 size paper.