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palm21(2012/10/22 23:55:06)  点击:60392  回复:0  IP:183.* * *
    He’s rich, single and most importantly, he’s not cheap, but despite all these qualities, 47-year-old Larry Greenfield can’t seem to find a suitable life partner. In the last 12 years he has spent around $65,000 on matchmaking services, has been on 250 blind dates, but he has yet to find a wife.

    Larry sounds like a really unlucky guy, but according to the New York Post and Yahoo Shine, he’s apparently just really picky. "His problem is he’s a six and he wanted tens," Maureen Tara Nelson, one of his former matchmakers told Shine. He would pick out his dates according to their photos and profiles, but at the end he’d always say there was no chemistry.

    The Post also paints out the retired Wall Street trader as very detail-oriented: he wants a woman who is slim, Jewish, funny, and a non-alpha (isn’t interested in a career). That’s apparently a very rare breed in New York. ”He thinks because he’s wealthy he could get a beautiful women, but what he doesn’t realize is that beautiful women in New York are also already successful,” Nelson said.
    邮报记者也形容说这位退休的华尔街交易员是个非常注重细节的人:他希望找一个苗条、有趣的犹太人,而且要没什么才学的(对事业没有兴趣)。这种人选在纽约显然 非常罕见。“他觉得自己非常富有,因此应该得到一个漂亮的女人,但他没有意识到纽约的漂亮女人也已经是事业有成了。” 纳尔逊说道。

    In his first interview with the New York Post, Larry sounded like a man who was honestly looking for love.

    “I’d trade it all in for a white picket fence, two kids, a dog. And you can have it all!” the ex-securities trader said. “I’m not a bad guy. I haven’t been to prison. It’s just a very frustrating thing.”
    “我宁愿拿一切来换一个热炕头,一双孩子和一条狗。你可以拿走一切!” 这个前证券交易员说道,“我不是一个坏人,我没有蹲过牢狱。但事情就是这么无奈。”

    He admits he focused on his job in his early years, thinking he’d first get the career and then the girl. But it just didn’t work out the way he planned it. But, after some of the six matchmakers he used in the last few years started spilling the beans, Larry came out as a guy looking for perfection.

    “He would always come back with some minor, minor thing that the person wasn’t perfect,” Maureen Tara Nelson remembers, which made he drop him as a client after a year.
    “他总是回来反馈一些非常小非常小的问题来说明那个人不够完美,” 莫林·泰拉·纳尔逊回忆说,这也导致一年后他放弃了这位顾客。

    But Larry has one more chance – Janis Spindel of Serious Matchmaking. “Men are picky. It’s in their DNA. They want the four B’s — beauty, brains, body and balance,” Spindel said, adding Greenfield is no different. “Larry wants a normal girl who’s in her thirties who wants to be his wife, who will be a sweet and loving wife and mom. I told him I will not take money from him until I have her.” Who knows, maybe the 251st time is a charm.
    不过拉里还有一个机会,著名婚介网站Janis Spindel of Serious Matchmaking 可能会帮他找到意中人。“男人都很挑剔。这是他们的基因决定的,他们希望能符合四个B:beauty(美貌),brains(头脑),body(身材)和balance(平衡),” 该网站创始人斯宾德尔这样说道,她还补充说格林菲尔德跟别的男人没有什么不同。“拉里希望能找到一个普通的女人,大约30岁左右,愿意成为他的妻子,并且能够做到一个温柔可人的妻子和母亲。我向他保证在他找到妻子前是不会收费的。” 谁知道呢?或许第251次约会奇迹就会发生?

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