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ares(2012/12/30 23:19:56)  点击:60916  回复:0  IP:219.* * *
A 23-year-old female student gang-raped on a bus in India's capital Delhi has died at a Singapore hospital, doctors say. She arrived in Singapore on Thursday after undergoing three operations in Delhi. 据报道,印度首都德里公交车轮奸案中的受害人,23岁女大学生已在一家新加坡医院中去世。这名女学生于周四被送往新加坡,而在此之前她在德里已经接受了三次手术。

According to India's High Commissioner to Singapore, TCA Raghavan, she had suffered from severe organ failure following serious injuries to her body and brain。印度驻新加坡的高级专员TCA Raghavan说,她的身体和大脑都遭受了极大的损伤,器官衰竭严重。

A statement from the hospital said the woman "passed away peacefully" early on Saturday with her family by her side. Arrangements are being made to take her body back to India, said TCA Raghavan。该新加坡医院在一份声明中称,这名女子在周六早上“平静地去世了”,去世时她的家人陪伴在她身边。TCA Raghavan说已经做好安排,将她的遗体运回印度。

Six men have been arrested and two police officers have been suspended following the 16 December attack. The victim and her friend had been to see a film when they boarded the bus in the Munirka area of Delhi on the day of the attack, intending to travel to Dwarka in the south-west of the city. Police said she was raped for nearly an hour, and both she and her companion were beaten with iron bars and thrown out of the moving bus and into the street。这名女学生是12月16日在公交车上遭遇了袭击,事件发生后有六名男子被捕,两名警官被停职。遇袭那天,被害人和她的朋友在德里的慕尼尔卡区坐上公交车,打算前往德里西南处的杜瓦尔卡地区看电影。警方称这名女子遭受了将近一个小时的轮奸,她和她的朋友都遭到铁棍的殴打,并从行驶中的公交车中被扔到了街上。

The woman's case has sparked public debate as well as several days of protests across India, including a violent public protests in India that left one police officer dead. 这名女子的受害案件,已经在整个印度范围内激起了公众的辩论和长达数天的抗议,其中一起公众暴力抗议造成一名警员死亡。

As news of the student's death spread across social media in India, police sealed off large parts of central Delhi and appealed for calm. The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder tweeted that the centre of Delhi resembled a fortress, with armed police and riot troops maintaining a heavy presence。这名女学生死亡的消息在印度的社交媒体上广泛传播后,警方封锁了德里中心的大部分区域,要求公众保持冷静。BBC驻印度的员工Sanjoy Majumder在推特上发布状态,称德里市中心就像是一个要塞,大量武装警察和防暴警察在外维持秩序。

The government has tried to halt rising public anger by announcing a series of measures intended to make Delhi safer for women. These include more police night patrols, checks on bus drivers and their assistants, and the banning of buses with tinted windows or curtains. 政府试图平息不断加剧的公众的愤怒,宣布要采取一系列措施让德里变得对女性来说更加安全,相关措施包括增加警察夜间巡逻,核实公交车司机和助手的身份,禁止公交车镶有彩色玻璃窗或挂有窗帘。

It has set up two committees - one looking into speeding up trials of cases involving sexual assaults on women, and the other to examine the lapses that might have led to the incident in Delhi。同时政府也成立了两个委员会,其中一个委员会旨在加速和妇女性侵犯有关的案件的审理,另一个则负责分析造成德里这起案件的过失出在哪里。

The government has also said that it will post the photos, names and addresses of convicted rapists on official websites to shame them. But the protesters say the government's pledge to seek life sentences for the attackers is not enough - many are calling for the death penalty。政府部门说,他们会将强奸犯的照片、姓名和住址发布到官方网站上。但是抗议者说,政府之前承诺判处袭击者有期徒刑,这并不能惩罚他们。很多抗议者要求政府对袭击者判处死刑。

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was "very saddened" and promised to channel "emotions and energies" into a course of action。印度总理曼莫汉·辛格说,他对这起事件感到“非常痛心”,并且承诺要引导公众的“情绪和力量”转变成实际行动。

Since the Delhi incident, several cases have been highlighted of authorities failing to respond to reported rapes. On Wednesday, a woman committed suicide in the state of Punjab, after having tried to report to police a rape which allegedly took place last month, local media reports said。自德里的这起事件大声以来,印度各地发生了多起类似的案件,反映出政府无法对出现的强奸案作出回应。当地媒体报道称,周三一名妇女在印度的旁遮普州自杀,她自杀之前曾向警方报告称在上个月被人强奸,但警方并未及时处理。

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