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  Psychology student Ben Cronin, 20, alleges that he was shocked when staff told him he wasn't attractive enough to work the boats on the River Cam.20岁的心理学专业学生本-克罗宁说,当工作人员告诉他由于他不够有吸引力,不能胜任在剑河船上打工的工作时,他感到很震惊。

  Mr Cronin, who has just completed his first year at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, had hoped to fund his second year of studies by working on the water。克罗宁刚刚完成了在剑桥的安格利亚鲁斯金大学一年级的课程,并希望能通过在船上的工作来资助自己第二年的学习。

  But after his rejection he now faces a summer of bar work, he said。他表示在被这份工作拒绝后,他转向了在酒吧的暑期工作。

  Staff at the punting company deny making the comments。撑篙公司的工作人员拒绝发表评论。

  "I was with a couple of friends and we decided to go and speak to one of the punting companies to see if we could get work for the coming season,” Mr Cronin said. “I went to speak to the man running the boats, but when I asked about a job, he looked me up and down and laughed, saying: 'Sorry mate, you have to be good looking to do this job.' I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I felt so humiliated. 克罗宁说:“我和几个朋友在一起,决定去撑篙公司来试试我们是否可以在马上就到的夏天来这里工作。我去跟管理船只的人交流,但当我问到工作的情况时,他上下打量了我,对我笑着说道,‘对不起年轻人,做这份工作得长得好看才行’。我恨不得钻进地缝里,我感到无地自容。”

  "This guy was tall, dark and good looking. I've been punting a few times and am sure that I could do the job. I don't see what the way I look has to do with getting the job. The way he spoke to me has put me off wanting to punt on the river ever again. It was so embarrassing. It's had a huge effect on my self esteem。”"那个家伙确实是高大英俊的帅哥。我撑篙了多次,并且确信我可以做这个工作。我不认为我长什么样对工作有影响。他对我说话的方式让我没有了在河上工作的想法。太令人尴尬了。这对我的自尊造成了很大的影响。”

  The student has since complained to nearby punting company Scudamore's. The company has begun an investigation, but staff say they do not recognize the description given as a member of their team。这个学生随后向附近的达摩尔撑篙公司投诉。这家公司随后开始调查,但是工作人员表示,根据克罗宁描述这人应该不是他们团队的成员。

  Rod Ingersent, general manager of Scudamore's, said: "The alleged comment is not something we endorse, as we recruit purely on the basis of work criteria and individual merit."达摩尔公司的总经理罗德-因格森说:“我们不认同所谓这样的言论,因为我们的招聘纯粹是基于工作标准和个人特点。”

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