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cathy(2012/1/27 8:26:53)  点击:62651  回复:0  IP:86.* * *
  Often, there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminals - your password. If they get it, they can get into banks accounts and private files, and wreak havoc.For this reason, it's important to know what makes a password strong and secure.


  This is Secure Passwords Explained by Common Craft. Chances are, you use passwords everyday. To open your computer, to log into your favorite websites, to get work done. The easy route is to have a simple password that works everywhere. Unfortunately, this can be a problem.


  Criminals are very good at guessing passwords. Some have computer programs that can make millions of guesses until something works. And if they already know information about you, it's even easier. Your job is to create a password that is very hard to guess. Here's how:


  Your first thought may be to use a pet's name, a birthdate, an address or parts of a phone number. These things are too easy for criminals to discover, so don't use them.


  Your password should not include info about you. Thankfully, there are ways to have memorable, but hard-to-guess passwords. Consider this: In addition to single words, phrases can also be easy to remember. Maybe it's a favorite song lyric, or quote.


  An example is "Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill” That's easy to remember, right? Well, your password is there - it's the first letter of each word. In this example, this would be your password. That's not something that is easily guessed.

  比如 Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill. 好记吧?把每个单词的首字母组合起来得到一个词,用这个词当密码,就不容易被破解了。

  Here's why. First - it's not in the dictionary. This makes guessing it harder. There are about 60,000 words in English. A computer can test out those words pretty quickly, so don't use them.


  But there's more. This password could still be stronger by adding upper case letters, numbers or special characters. So this is a very strong password - but there's still a risk.


  If you write it down, be careful where you keep it. And be aware that someone can look over your shoulder or find it in your trash.


  Giving it to loved-ones is also risky - they may not be as cautious as you are. Only you should know your password.


  Criminals may also try to fool you into handing it over via phone calls. Never tell anyone your password over the phone. And be careful when you get an email that asks for a password - it could be a scam.


  To help avoid problems, don't use the same password everywhere – that’s like having one key that unlocks everything you own. The stakes are high if you lose it.


  Also, be careful if you use a computer that is not yours. Let's say you check email using a computer in a store, library or computer lab. You login, check email and walk away.

  此外 在用别人的计算机时要特别小心,比如用商店、图书馆或网吧的电脑收邮件。登录了账号,查完邮件没退出就走了。

  The next person to use that computer now has access to your email account and all the information in it. Always remember to log out of each site you visit on a computer that isn't yours.

  下一个用电脑的人就能进入你的账户,所以一定要记得 用完要退出账户。

  Passwords are an essential part of life online. And if we're not careful about keeping them secret, they can cause big problems. By understanding the risks and making passwords stronger, we can feel a little more secure.

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