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uklife(2013/9/29 10:57:29)  点击:61049  回复:0  IP:180.* * *

Living in the ivory tower is one thing, making a living in society is another. Graduates who recently started their career life often feel lost because there are so many things to learn and they have to adapt to an unfamiliar environment.

Here, three recent graduates share their experience of starting their first job and getting their first taste of real life. One has a strict boss, one discovers that social etiquette is essential, while another even finds that physical fitness is important.

‘The boss makes things hard for me.’

Zhang Li, 25, is a recent graduate from Beihang University.

He has been working as a technician in a state-owned enterprise in Beijing since the end of July. Although it sounds like a glamorous job, Zhang has been struggling with his supervisor from the very beginning.

Zhang was a top student in college, but his boss seems to think that grades aren’t enough.

“Zhang, I know you’re very knowledgeable, which might win you many offers, but I won’t believe in your ability until you work out this equation,” said Zhang’s boss, handing him a ballistic equation. Until now, Zhang has been unable to solve the equation.

Later Zhang found out that his boss is the only person in the office who successfully solved the equation. Zhang is worried that he may never manage to prove himself.

As a newcomer, Zhang is often assigned to the laboratory to work on experiments that last all day. Other departments, such as the HR office or the general office, order Zhang to help organize orientation and training sessions.

Zhang feels like he is stuck in a dilemma. On the one hand, his boss wants him to focus on his own job, while on the other, as a rookie in the company, ignoring others seems like a bad idea.

“I’ll just try to spread myself thin to cover all the bases,” says Zhang.

‘Carrying heavy things is part of my job.’

Wang Kai, 23, a graduate from Beijing Jiaotong University, works for a Beijing-based research institute where he has been assigned to a department in charge of testing electronic devices.

He visited the institute before joining it, aiming to familiarize himself with the working environment, but after two months of working in the institute, Wang is finding the job harder than expected — even lifting heavy objects is part of his daily routine.

“I thought I was well prepared for the difficulties of this job, such as working overtime and working in a hot environment,” says Wang. “But it never occurred to me that technicians need to carry samples to the laboratory themselves. My colleagues and I often carry samples that weight less than 200 kg from the storage room to the laboratory by hand.”

Working in a laboratory is also not as comfortable as Wang thought. During the summer, temperatures in the laboratory reach up to 40 degrees.

“Once, when I was working in the laboratory for more than seven hours, I almost had a heatstroke,” he says.

Despite feeling intimidated by the job, Wang is determined to fulfill his responsibilities.

“It’s tougher than I expected, but I still work hard because the safety of the products we provide depends on the work I do. Thinking about others’ safety, my hard work pays off,” says Wang.

‘Social etiquette matters.’

Chen Yu, 22, has worked for a Beijing-based business council for three months. Having graduated from Beijing International Studies University, she now works as an interpreter.

For Chen a major difficulty lies not only in maintaining her language proficiency, but also in mastering social etiquette.

Last month, Chen’s boss took her to Brunei for a business and investment summit.

Chen thought she would be the consecutive interpreter, but it turned out that she would interpret simultaneously during the discussion session.

“I was very nervous and afraid of making mistakes,” says Chen.

But an even harder task was dealing with social etiquette.

As ambassadors and counselors were present at the meeting, Chen needed to be very conscious of addressing others correctly, sitting in the right place, exchanging business cards in the right way, even drinking wine properly.

Chen was grateful that her tutors at university had taught such knowledge and also benefited from her previous experience of translating for a wine dealer.

“It was exhausting, but I think I did a decent job considering that it was my first business trip. Now I feel like I can deal with the tempo of my job, even under pressure,” says Chen.

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